Colley Seniors prepping for prom
Published 9:33 pm Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Not often are Senior Proms held during Indian Summer.
But, when being a “senior” has nothing to do with being a teenage or high schools days, a prom can be held at any time of the year.
Janet Motes, director of the Colley Senior Complex, in Troy said now just happened to be the perfect time for the Complex to promenade its seniors.
“We have been talking about having a Senior Prom for several years but just haven’t done it until now,” Motes said.
At 7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 25, the Complex will host its first Senior Prom in the downstairs area of the Colley Senior Complex on Elm Street.
“Some of our senior adults didn’t get to attend a senior prom so we wanted to give them that opportunity,” Motes said. “And, the Senior Prom will be a special event for all of our citizens. It will be a traditional prom with live music, a lead-out for those who want to participate, heavy hors d’oeuvres and we’ll take prom pictures.”
The Senior Prom is not just for members of the Colley Senior Complex. It’s for all seniors who enjoy good, clean, wholesome fun.
“We have Saturday night dances at the Complex almost every week and we’ve got people coming to the Senior Prom who have never been to our dances,” Motes said. “People are also coming from out of town. So, we’re expecting a big crowd and invite all seniors to be a part of the fun.”
Admission to the Senior Prom is $5 and Motes said there’s not a better deal around.
“Where can you go and dance to the music of such great performers as Robert and Hannis, have great food and enjoy the fellowship of friends and neighbors for only five dollars?” Motes said. “And, the Troy University football game has been changed from 6 p.m. to 2:30 so you can go and enjoy the game and then come to the dance.”
Prom dresses and tuxedos are not required but those who would like to dress up are encouraged to do so.
“Not often do we get a chance to dress up and go out and this is a chance but you certainly don’t have to dress up,” Motes said. “We just want everyone to come and have a good time. That’s what the Senior Prom is all about.”