Roby brings message to town hall

Published 12:08 am Saturday, August 28, 2010

Local residents got a chance to meet Republican nominee for U.S. Congress in Alabama’s 2nd District Martha Roby Friday when Roby made a town hall stop in Troy.

Congressman Greg Walden of Oregon was also on hand to lend his support for Roby, and both made clear their displeasure with the current administration.

“There is a lack of transparency and accountability with the current leadership that is absolutely mind boggling,” Roby said.

Walden criticized Democrats for their lack of financial planning.

“For the first time since 1974, the Democrats failed to bring a budget to the floor. I call it irresponsible and unforgivable,” Walden said.

Both also spoke at length about the economic concerns facing the country currently.

Roby said her experience in budgetary matters would make her an ideal candidate.

“Last year, I supported a budget and helped get a budget passed in Montgomery with nothing in our reserve, and we were able to cut $8 million from the budget, and also put several million in our reserves without raising any taxes,” Roby said.

“That’s the kind of leadership we need. We have to stop spending and stop our addiction to spending. We are leaving behind an unbelievable debt for our children, and our children’s children. That’s why I support a balanced budget amendment to the constitution, and also line item veto.”

Walden, meanwhile, criticized potential plans for tax increases in 2011.

“If you want to put a bullet in the head of the current economy, you raise taxes. It’s a horrible idea,” Walden said.

Roby said she is confident Republicans will regain control of Congress after the elections in November, but expressed concerns over a “lame duck” Congressional session.

“We do have the issue of a lame duck congress coming up in November, and I am very concerned about the damage this Congress will do before the new congress comes in,” Roby said.

Roby also told the attendees they have a chance to force change by voting Republican in November.

“There has been a lot of talk about hope, and there is hope. There is a chance for real hope November 2,” Roby said. There’s been a lot of talk about numbers, and the important number is 39. That’s the number of seats we need to take back Congress.”