Taylor, Boozer address Pike Co. Republican Women
Published 9:20 pm Wednesday, August 25, 2010
The Pike County Republican Women held their meeting Wednesday at the American Legion, where they had new and familiar candidates present.
Among the guest speakers was Young Boozer candidate for State Treasurer, who had never spoken with the Republican Women before, and Bryan Taylor candidate for Alabama State Senate, District 30, who has previously spoken.
Representatives were also present for Martha Roby, candidate for US Congress District 2, Robert Bentley for governor, and Shannon Clark, candidate for Circuit Judge.
Birmingham-born and Tuscaloosa-raised Young Boozer has been in the state of Alabama all his life.
He has collected 34 years of experience in various business fields, more than qualifying him for the position of State Treasurer, he explained.
“I have learned a lot to put me in a position to do things for the state of Alabama,” boozer said.
Boozer’s most recent position before campaigning for State Treasurer was Deputy Finance Director for Governor Bob Riley, in which the last project he worked on ended up saving the state 68 million.
“I’m a problem solver, how do you fix this, make it work, put into play,” Boozer said.
He explained it’s time someone with the correct financial background took this office.
“It’s going to take a while to work off excess with the economy but it will happen,” Boozer said.
Applying his method “do the right thing, do it the right way, and do it right away”, Boozer plans on making a difference financially in the state of Alabama.
“This is going to be a Republican year. We’re going to run as if we’re behind,” Boozer said as he handed the floor over to Bryan Taylor.
Birmingham-born as well, Taylor has big plans for the Republican Party, as he explained the need to clean up the state government.
“Legislators need to do what’s best for the people they serve, not what’s best for themselves,” Taylor said.
His number one goal is to pass the ethics reform.
As of now, lobbyists for elected officials do not have to report their spending, but with this reform passed, lobbyists would have to disclose every dime spent on elected officials, and put a cap on gifts elected officials can accept from lobbyists.
Taylor also wants to help job creation with a tax relief tax incentive to help businesses expand.
“Can’t grow, can’t hire,” Taylor said.
Along with job creation, he wants to cut wasteful spending.
“We need to let people keep their own money and decide what to do with it,” Taylor said.
“Government should do what government should do and nothing more. That’s what I’ll do in the Senate,” Taylor said with his closing remarks.
Robert Bentley’s representative Britney Mitchell asked the community to get involved.
She explained Bentley’s campaign will have a tailgating tent set up at all Troy home football games this year, and Bentley will be present at one of the home games.
Also, there will be a rally held September 27 at 11 a.m. on the square.
Martha Roby’s representative Mike Hamilton said Roby will be holding a fundraising breakfast this Friday at the Troy Country Club from 7:30-9 a.m. with Congressman Grew Walden and Roby present.
There is a $25 fee per person upon entry.
Then, at noon, Congressman Walden and Roby will hold a town hall meeting at Troy’s City Hall, and are encouraging participators to come prepared with questions.
Shannon Clark’s representative Virginia Howard said Clark wants to get to know the public here better this week as she makes her rounds through the community.