Local gym offers ‘shape’ for supplies

Published 7:38 pm Wednesday, August 4, 2010

CC Matthews, of Trinity Fitness Studios, is known for two things: leading strenuous workouts and supporting charitable causes.

And, Matthew’s “Shape-up for School Supplies” campaign is a combination of both those things.

In efforts to collect school supplies for underprivileged children in Pike County, Matthews is holding a school supplies drive in exchange for two free workout sessions.

“I contacted DHR (Department of Human Resources), and they were telling me especially with the kids starting school, they don’t have school supplies,” Matthews said.

“So I decided to put on a campaign where people can come and bring school supplies and get free workouts.”

Matthews started his drive this week, but he will continue for the next two weeks.

There is no minimum amount of school supplies items required to receive the free boot camp sessions, offered either at 6 a.m. on Wednesday or Friday or 5:30 p.m. on Tuesday or Thursday.

The supplies accepted are unsharpened No. 2 wooden pencils, medium blue or black point pens, pencil sharpeners, erasers, rulers, glue sticks, filler paper, pencil cases, two pocket folders, colored pencils, highlighters, spiral notebooks, crayons, binders and backpacks.

For more details on the school supplies, visit www.ccmatthewsblog.com.

“Anything will help. I don’t care if it’s a pencil or an eraser, anything to help the children start the year off right,” Matthews said.

This isn’t the first time Matthews has offered workout services in exchange for goods.

At Christmas he held a toy drive, and he said he experienced great success through it.

And, Matthews hopes the success of the school supplies drive will be great enough to continue it every year.