Troy BOE’s long-time Parker resigns

Published 6:02 pm Friday, July 2, 2010

The resignation of longtime school board member John Parker was accepted by the Troy City Council Friday.

Mayor Jimmy Lunsford addressed the city council on the matter, saying demand for Parker in his duties at Troy Bank and Trust may have warranted the move.

“As most of you know, Troy Bank and Trust has been making some changes after the retirement of Gary Guthrie,” Lunsford said.

“He (Parker) felt it was time to give up some responsibilities and he made the decision to resign from the Troy City School Board.”

Parker wasn’t present at the council meeting, but he later confirmed he was indeed devoting more time to the bank. He also said the move made sense given the circumstances in the school system.

“I think now is a good time to step down,” said Parker whose term was due to end in May.

Parker said with three new principals and two newer board members in the system, it was a good idea to step aside for the new regime.

Parker served on the city school board for almost eight years.

“It’s been a good ride for me, I’ve enjoyed it,” he said.

Roxie Kitchens, who was recently appointed board president following Parker’s service in the position, said she also appreciated their time working together.

“He and I sat side by side at the board table for the last eight years and it won’t be the same not having him there,” she said. “He is a man of integrity, and his leadership skills and his fairness have been an asset to our board.”

Superintendent Linda Felton-Smith agreed.

“Mr. Parker is a very vital member of the Troy City Board of Education,” she said. “He has been committed to his service, to the board and to Troy City Schools.”

And Parker said he still remains committed to the children of Troy.

“I wish everybody well, I’m still going to be actively involved. I think the system is left in great hands. They’re under great leadership.”

Kitchens, was also enthusiastic about the direction of the school system, and she likewise said the board would be depending on Parker’s wisdom from behind the scenes.

“These are exciting times for Troy City Schools and though Mr. Parker won’t be sitting at the board table with us, he’ll be in the background encouraging and supporting us.”

The city council plans on making a recommendation to fill the vacant slot on July 13.

Mayor Lunsford said there are no regulations that govern district representation on the board but since Parker is from District 1, District 1 Council member Charlie Dunn will have the opportunity to make a recommendation at the meeting.

At the council meeting, Dunn said he was already considering a certain candidate but he wouldn’t say who it was.

“I’m looking for someone with some school experience and knowledge of the schools,” Dunn said. “The person I have in mind I feel is very qualified.”

He added that nothing is certain however.

“I consider the school board an extremely important board in the city of Troy,” he said.

“Therefore, I plan to be extremely careful as far as appointing someone.”