Weather doesn’t hinder morning voters

Published 2:53 pm Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Pike County voters didn’t let a little gloomy, rainy weather keep them from the polls this morning.

People were in high spirits as they secretly cast their votes for their “ideal” candidate, though many agreed it was hard to decide who that candidate was.

“I wish that more of our candidates would acknowledge their short-comings,” said Joe McCall, a Pike County voter. “We need more of the honest statesman and less of the opportunistic politicians.”

Every voter had different reasons for voting in this particular race.

“I thought all of races were important this year,” said Vicki Schmidt, a Pike County voter.

The voting trends are even changing.

“During the presidential election, the young people came out in groves, but I guess they tend to think that ‘you vote one time and that’s it,’ but that’s not it,” said Dorothy Belcher, a clerk working at the polls. “Young people need to continue to vote. Every chance they get, vote. Never think that you’re vote doesn’t count.”

Belcher said this morning’s decline in youthful voters may be an issue of motivation and encouragement.

“Once you get started (voting), somewhere along the way you have to get that internal desire that will keep pushing you,” Belcher said.

Voters still have time, until 7 p.m. to be exact. So go to the polls and let your voices be heard.