Jean Lake program seeks participants

Published 5:51 pm Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Each year, TroyFest continues to grow.

And that growth comes with the support of programs like the Friends of Jean Lake Purchase Program, one in which committee members are working to promote as the festival draws near.

The program is for festival patrons in efforts to make shopping easier for its attendants and assist in recruitment of quality artists, said past chair Stephanie Baker.

“When they had the Jean Lake Festival at the museum they had a patron’s program. We brought it back for TroyFest,” Baker said.

Those who participate in the Jean Lake Purchase Program provide a financial commitment and receive 90 percent of that donation back in the form of “TroyFest bucks,” which can be used with the TroyFest vendors.

“Basically the idea is it helps us in recruiting artists because we tell them we have so much pre-committed to the festival,” Baker said.

The 10 percent that is donated to TroyFest goes toward funding the festival.

“Say they contributed $200 to the program, we would give them 90 percent of the money in TroyFest bucks, and during the festival they would go spend that with the artists of their choice,” said Leigh Anne Windham, membership director for the Pike County Chamber of Commerce.

There are several levels of commitment to the program, spanning $50, $100, $250 and $500.

Windham said the benefits of the program are two-fold — patrons help the festival and help themselves.

“If you spend $300 through the Jean Lake Program, it is tax deductible because it is a contribution,” Windham said.

“And, it’s just great to know you had a hand in helping us continue to bring these artists to TroyFest. That does help in our recruitment efforts.”

Baker said in addition to having TroyFest bucks to spend, they get a Patron’s Award Ribbon to give to an artist of their choice at the event.

“The artists really treasure those ribbons and are really flattered when patrons choose to use their TroyFest bucks,” Baker said.

The program last year brought in $5,000 total, for both TroyFest spending and the festival itself.

In order to be a part of this year’s Friends of Jean Lake Program, people can call the City of Troy Tourism Office at 566-2298; Bill Thompson at 566-3798; or the Pike County Chamber of Commerce at 566-2294.