County roads closed in snow

Published 11:37 am Friday, February 12, 2010

All county roads have been closed until further notice.

“We are probably going to keep the roads closed until the morning,” said Pike County EMA Director Larry Davis.

Davis said only those who need to travel these roads to get to and from their homes and emergency vehicles are permitted to travel.

There have been several minor wrecks already this morning, and Troy Police Chief Anthony Everage is urging drivers to stay off the road.

Though no one has been seriously injured yet, Everage said it’s imperative people use safety traveling today or try not to travel at all.

“Extreme caution should be used in driving, as well as for individuals walking on sidewalks or pavement,” Everage said. “If its iced over, it can certainly be very slippery and can cause one to fall and injure themselves.”

Davis said it is expected to freeze tonight and could cause snow to freeze over on roads.