Mail now option for tag renewals

Published 8:16 pm Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Pike County Probate Office is looking for a way to make renewing car tags a bit easier.

Beginning in March, the probate office will begin mailing reminders of tag renewals and accepting those renewals through the mail.

“We are excited because this initiative will give the taxpayer an option as to how to conduct business with their probate office,” said Probate Judge Wes Allen, as he announced the new service at the Troy Rotary Club Tuesday afternoon.

This program will begin the first week in March, for those who typically renew their car tags in that month.

“The mail-in tag renewals will serve as a reminder, if nothing else,” Allen said.

Allen said residents should expect to get a tag-renewal notice the first week of the month they typically renew their vehicle tags. This new program will not change the month residents normally renew.

Allen said residents will also be able to return those notices back through the mail to renew their car tags and eliminate having to wait in the line at the courthouse.

“We’re going to save one of the most precious commodities you have — your time,” Allen said. “Our desire is to make it more convenient for the taxpayers.”

While residents can still use the traditional method of renewal at the courthouse, Allen asked those who do use the mail-in method of renewing tags to send them back by the 20th of each month to ensure there is no lapse in decals.

“We work hard everyday to ensure the taxpayers of Pike County are getting their money’s worth out of their government,” Allen said. “Our mission is to conduct business in a timely and thoughtful manner, while being fair and accessible. We feel this initiative builds on that mission.”

Anyone with questions about this program can call the probate office at 566-1246 or visit