Dems for 2010 qualify today

Published 10:51 pm Wednesday, January 27, 2010

While qualifying to run in the 2010 election has already kicked off for some offices, for the local Democratic Party that will begin today.

From 1 to 3 p.m. Chairman of the County Democratic Party Jerry Williams said the committee will be on hand at the Pike County Courthouse for those interested in seeking a county office as a Democrat.

Locally, these offices include the seats for the Pike County Sheriff, Pike County Coroner and two places on the Pike County Board of Education.

Qualifying opens today, but it will continue through April 2 for both parties.

For those interested in running as a Republican for one of these seats, qualifying opened Jan. 1 and will continue also through April 2.

The Republican Party will not hold an official kickoff for qualifying, but anyone interested in seeking a county office in the June 2010 primary should contact Party Chair Adam Drinkwater at 372-1554.

Those interested in qualifying for the local Democratic primary can contact Williams at 566-5083.

Williams said those interested in qualifying at the courthouse today will not need anything in particular to do so.

Anyone interested in running for a state office will need to qualify with the Alabama Republican or Democratic Parties.

Republican qualifying will open March 2, and the Democratic Primary qualifying opened Jan. 16, according to their respective Web sites.

Both will continue through April 2 at 5 p.m.

Drinkwater said no one has qualified for office in the Republican party locally yet.

State offices up for election can be found on the Alabama Secretary of State’s Web site at