Brundidge could purchase property

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The city of Brundidge may soon have a place to store the antique ambulances and fire trucks its been trying to preserve for years.

According to City Manager Brit Thomas, some owners of a property on Lee Street approached him to see if the city would be interested in purchasing.

“In my opinion, it probably deserves some consideration from the city,” Thomas said.

The council voted to allow Thomas and Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage to negotiate a possible purchase price for the property, and the council will discuss those numbers at the next meeting.

The council also approved a liquor license for Harry Mobley, who owns Grown Folk Café.

Mobley was required to get another license because he changed the name of his company to Grown Folk Café Lounge LLC. He had previously operated under the liquor license in his name.

The city of Brundidge does not allow for liquor licenses to be transferred, but the state of Alabama does, Thomas said.

“As far as everything on paper that’s the only change,” Thomas said.

Heavy rains that drenched the county took its toll on one Brundidge Street.

“We’ve had one problem on Oak Street, it was a large hole” Thomas said. “It turned out to be a sewer lateral.”

Thomas said it is fixed for the time being, but will probably have to eventually be fixed again.

The cold temperatures the county is in for this week could wreak havoc on Brundidge’s utility lines, Thomas said.

“Rain and ice can cause problems especially related to electric parts,” Thomas said. “Power lines and ice don’t really mix.”

Thomas said the weather is also affecting the progress on the library.

“It’s slowing the brick man down,” Thomas said.

Thomas said the shingles for the library came at a contractual price of $41,000.

“We still have an additional $22,000 to pay on the shingles,” Thomas said.

The bricks cost $7,500 and the masonry labor was $4,700.

Thomas said to date the city has spent $132,996 on the library.

The city has $205,000 in cash funds for the library, and the city budgeted about $300,000 for the project.

According to Thomas, the city has transferred $84,000 for the project.

Brundidge residents are invited to attend a planning grant meeting on Jan. 14 from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at Brundidge Station.