Purchase bowl tickets through Troy

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 8, 2009

For the first time since joining D-1, the Troy Trojans will be playing football in January.

Over the weekend, the team accepted an invitation to the GMAC Bowl, which is held on Jan. 6 in Mobile.

The Trojans will face off against the champions of the Mid-American conference – Chippewas of Central Michigan.

This will be the only non-BCS game that has two conference champions facing off against one another and will be televised on ESPN to a national audience.

“We are honored and privileged to accept the bid to go and play the Central Michigan Chippewas,” head coach Larry Blakeney said to a crowd full of Trojan fans, GMAC Bowl representatives, university trustees, players, coaches and the Sound of the South Band at a press conference held Monday afternoon in the Stadium Club of Movie Gallery Veterans Stadium.

“We’re going to work hard. We’re going to be prepared. We’re going to go down there with the idea of winning the game.”

As far as buying tickers, Troy fans have three options.

Fans can go to www. TroyTrojans.com and follow the link to purchase tickets directly.

Fans can order through the Web site at any time during the day.

Secondly, fans can call Troy Athletics Ticket Office at 877-878-9467 to place ticket orders.

Thirdly, fans can come to the Troy Athletics Ticket Office, which is located in the Davis Field House, and purchase their tickets in person.

The ticket office will be open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. leading up to bowl week.

In a letter addressed to the team’s fans, Troy University Chancellor Jack Hawkins Jr. said it is imperative that fans make their purchases through the University.

“You will save $5 per ticket off the GMAC Bowl price of $45. More importantly, the only the University recoups its expenses is through ticket sales. We do not get credit for tickets purchases by Trojan fans directly from the GMAC Bowl or through third-party online services. In addition, our ticket sales will have a direct effect on future bowl games, as the more tickets we sell, the more attractive we are to bowl organizers,” he said in his email.

Troy University students can purchase tickets for $15.

Troy Athletics Director Steve Dennis during the press conference that this is an exciting day for Troy University. “This a team that is 9-3, 8-0 in the conference, outright conference champions and as good of a group of fine young men that you’ll ever meet.”

Dennis also mentioned that around 800 tickets had already been sold by mid-day on Monday.