What’s behind the sign?

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Some will go through hoops to try to woo a prospective love.

That’s just what “Keith” has done for “Natalie.”

Many may have seen the billboard displayed on South Brundidge Street that reads “Need Natalie, Missing you, love Keith.”

Just who Keith and Natalie are is unclear, but the purpose of the sign is not.

“There was a gentleman trying to get his ex-girlfriend back,” said Adam Freeman, account executive for Lamar Advertising. “They had broken up, and he tried to get her back.”

It was the most unique sell Freeman has ever made and perhaps one of the more expensive attempts to secure love.

“We’ve had several requests but nobody ever commits,” Freeman said.

The billboard spot cost Keith a total of $650 for the month. But, Freeman said his efforts did not go unrewarded.

“I believe it did work out for him,” Freeman said.

Freeman could not release his clients’ name, and he said he was unsure if he was a resident of Troy.

“His billing information is not from Troy,” he said.

Next time members of the company are in town, the sign will be coming down, Freeman said.