Festival celebrates harvest, heritage

Published 12:00 am Friday, October 30, 2009

The 19th Annual Peanut Butter Festival in Brundidge on Saturday, Oct. 31, will offer the same old-fashioned fun that has been its trademark for nearly two decades.

The festival will kick off at 8 a.m. with the 5K Peanut Butter Run, which starts and ends at Green’s Antiques on South Main Street.

The registration fee is $10 and includes a tee shirt. To pre-register, call 735-9191.

On-site registration will begin at 7 p.m. so those who wake up Saturday with an itch to run can still join the fun.

The Peanut Butter Festival is held on the grounds of the historic Bass House in downtown Brundidge and the entertainment will get under way at 8:30 a.m. and continue throughout the day with many of the areas favorite gospel, bluegrass and country singers and musicians and cloggers, buck dancers and square dancers on center stage.

Entries for the Peanut Butter Recipe Contest must be submitted by 9 a.m. at Brundidge Station. Each entry must contain at least a half-cup of peanut butter.

The arts and crafts and demonstration areas and food booths will open at 9 a.m.

The artists and craftsmen will have a variety of items from paintings and pottery to bonnets and woodwork. There will be every kind of festival food imaginable, including turnip greens and cornbread and blooming onions.

The Tupper Lightfoot Memorial Library will sponsor a “Visit with Dr. George Washington Carver” at 10 a.m. The performance is free and open to the public.

At 1 p.m. the Nutter Butter Parade will come “a-marching” down Main Street.

There’s still time to enter so just call 735-3125 to get a spot in the most fun parade around.

The entertainment and fun will continue after the parade.

There’s no admission charge to the Peanut Butter Festival and there’s a lot of fun to be had.

Everyone is invited to come to the Peanut Butter Festival and “Come back to the way it used to be” when folks came to town on early fall Saturdays to celebrate the harvest season with family and friends.