Local Habitat taking applications

Published 7:50 pm Thursday, October 22, 2009

Habitat for Humanity will accept applications for its next build Nov. 21.

Even though that’s close to a month away, local Troy-Pike Habitat for Humanity Executive Director Fred Johnson said it’s time to pick up applications now.

Applications can be retrieved at the Troy University Wesley Foundation, Pike County Department of Human Resources, Troy City Hall, the Career Center and WTBF. Johnson said other locations may be made available.

This year, the local habitat chapter will be accepting two families to build a new home for, where they typically build one.

To be eligible for a habitat home, one has to have lived in Pike County for at least six months, be able to make a house payment, not have declared bankruptcy, not have committed a felony in the last three years and have an income between 30 and 80 percent of the county’s median. Also, more than half that income can not be from food stamps.

Those who are accepted for the home will also have to be willing to partner with habitat and help build.

Applications must be turned in at the Troy Wesley Foundation from 9:30 a.m. to noon on Nov. 21, and applicants must be present.

They also must present a recent taxpayer’s return, proof of residence, personal ID, proof of income and a social security number.

Johnson said people would know within 30 days whether they are chosen.

For nearly the last three years, Johnson has been working in some capacity with the local habitat chapter, and it is an experience he said has changed not just his own life but those of many.

“My life has changed for the better. I’m happier than I’ve ever been before,” Johnson said. “We touch a lot of lives and change a few.”

For other locations of forms or more information contact Johnson at 372-7578.