Gilliam’s retirement becomes official

Published 12:00 am Saturday, October 3, 2009

When Pike County’s Chief Clerk Donna (Fannin) Gilliam worked her last day Friday, this time she wasn’t crying wolf.

“Yes, I’m going home this time,” Gilliam said at her retirement celebration, six months after she officially ended her full-time career.

Gilliam worked alongside former Probate Judge Bill Stone for 14 years, and officially retired from the position in April right alongside her boss.

But, Gilliam, who has dedicated years to county service, could not leave the probate office in need.

As Stone stepped down from the seat with no one yet appointed to take his place, Gilliam served herself as probate judge for a few days.

Then, when Probate Judge Wes Allen was appointed to the office, Gilliam stuck around to help keep the office running.

Even when Linda Floyd was appointed to the chief clerk position, Gilliam continued part time work to help Floyd get acquainted with the position.

“It’s the beginning of a new fiscal year for the county, and I had been here an additional six months,” Gilliam said. “I thought it was time to let them try it on their own.”

But, that doesn’t mean Gilliam will not leave without some special memories to take with her.

“I think the most fun is some of the marriage experiences,” Gilliam said. “Also helping with adoptions and seeing people so happy, it’s so fulfilling to help somebody through that.

“You just get to meet so many people. Even with a lot of stress and work, you get something accomplished.”

Now that she’s leaving the work force, Gilliam said she plans to just enjoy life.

“I’m just going to go home and enjoy and relax a little bit,” Gilliam said.

One thing was made evident at Gilliam’s retirement ceremony. She will be missed.

“You don’t think about good things until their gone,” said Lawrence Bowden, member of the Brundidge City Council. “I can’t conceive you not being here. You do an outstanding job here,” he told Gilliam.

But, Gilliam said she knows she can leave the office in good hands.

“Working for Judge Allen has been enjoyable, too, and I know he’ll do a great job for this county,” Gilliam said.