Local company carries safety message

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, September 16, 2009

J Crawley Transport in Banks has been selected as one of six Alabama trucking companies to carry a banner for safety all across the country.

The truck banner is a visable reminder for motorists to “Leave More Space for Trucks” and its safety message is carried all across Alabama and as far away as California.

The Ticketing Aggressive Cars and Trucks (TACT) program is designed to educate motorists about the dangers of unsafe driving behaviors committed by cars and trucks.

Jim Crawley, owner, said his company was chosen as one of the companies to “fly” the safety banner because of the outstanding record of his company’s safety director, Steve Dewberry.

“Steve has an outstanding safety record over 18 years and continues to implement standards that promote road safety,” Crawley said.

Dewberry said drivers of both cars and trucks must realize the importance of sharing the road in order to reduce crashes, injuries and deaths on the nation’s highways.

One 18-wheeler represents 40 tons – 20 tons of payload and 20 tons of truck.

“It’s not true that one of these trucks can stop on a dime,” Dewberry said.

“It’s a fact that it takes an 18-wheeler traveling at 60 miles an hour the length of a football field to stop. And, a truck traveling at that same speed is moving at a rate of about 120 feet every two seconds. It is not easy for these trucks to stop. Motorists need to know that.”

And that’s one reason that the banner reminds motoris to “Leave Space for Trucks.”

Dewberry said that, after passing a truck, cars often pull in too sharply causing accidents that could have been avoided.

J Crawley Transport has eleven 18-wheelers on the road carrying primarily food products.

Their most important truck on the road, however, just might be one with the banner that is designed to promote road safety.