Troy University student dies, flu may be factor

Published 1:03 pm Saturday, September 5, 2009

A Troy University student died in a Dothan hospital Friday, after he had previously been diagnosed with the flu.

Andrew Salter, an 18-year-old freshman, died sometime Friday in Dothan’s Southeast Alabama Medical Center., Troy University Spokesman Andy Ellis confirmed.

Ellis said according to Salter’s father, he had previously been diagnosed with the flu. But, he was being treated in the hospital for pneumonia at the time.

“He apparently went into cardiac arrest Friday, and all attempts to revive him failed,” Ellis said.

Ellis said Salter was not treated for the flu virus on Troy University’s campus, so they have no knowledge of whether he had the H1N1 virus.

“We don’t know where he was treated, but he did have the flu,” Ellis said.

Salter lived with his father in Valley, and his mother was a resident of Dothan. He was a new member of the Pi Kappa Phi fraternity.