‘Run like a girl’ race to benefit Relay

Published 10:33 pm Friday, September 4, 2009

The Pike County Relay for Life board of directors is getting an early start on the 2010 Relay fundraising campaign with the first Relay for Life “Fight Like a Girl” 5K Run/Walk and One Mile Walk and a Survivors’ Walk and Recognition program on Saturday, Oct. 10.

“We think the ‘Fight Like a Girl’ 5K will generate a lot of interest so we are planning it as an annual event,” said Jason Jones, event chair.

The 5K Run will start and finish on the square in downtown Troy.

“The 3.1-mile route is one that runners will really like,” Jones said. “It’s flat with only one hill so the times should be good.”

The pre-registration fee for the 5K is $25 and for the one-mile run/walk, $15.

“Registration on the day of the runs is an addition $5 for both the run and the run/walk,” Jones said.

“Those who are pre-registered are guaranteed a tee shirt and a goodie bag, so we encourage everyone to register early.”

Late registrations will be from 7 until 7:45 on Oct. 10 with the 5K getting under way at 8 a.m. and the one-mile run/walk at 9 a.m.

“The divisions will be 10-year age groups beginning with 10 years and ending with the 50-years and older divisions,” Jones said. “The awards will be three deep for both the male and female divisions, with special awards to the overall male and female runners.”

To pre-register, e-mail jason@jonesmed.com, call 556-1002 or pick up a form at Jones Medical Supply, 519-A South Brundidge Street in Troy.

Those who would like to claim the entry fee as a tax deduction should register online.

All funds raised by the 5K Run/Walk events will benefit the Pike County Relay for Life campaign and the American Cancer Society.

Immediately following the 5K events, Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford will sign a proclamation designating a special time of awareness about cancer and celebrate those who have claimed victory over the devastating disease.

“We will have a short survivors’ walk and release survivor balloons,” said Kay Franklin, ACS community representative. “We’ll have information available about breast cancer and materials to raise awareness about the disease.”

Franklin said all cancer survivors are invited to be a part of this fundraising and awareness campaign and encouraged to come.

“We want all of those who have won their personal battles with cancer and those who are in the fight to join us on Saturday, Oct. 10 in downtown Troy for the ‘Fight Like a Girl’ 5K and the Survivors’ Recognition program immediately following the run,” Franklin said.