Kelsey to highlight TAC Patrons Drive

Published 12:00 am Saturday, August 29, 2009

If the name Michael Kelsey doesn’t ring a bell, it will after Tuesday night, Sept. 1.

Kelsey will be the featured performer at the Troy Art Council’s Patrons’ Reception from 5:30 until 7:30 at The Culture Arts Studio on East Walnut Street.

John Jinright, TAC presenter chair, said Kelsey is one of the most dynamic performers that he has seen.

“Michael Kelsey is a one-man band,” he said. “He plays the bass, the drums and the guitar and he manages to move from one to the other without missing a beat.”

Jinright described Kelsey’s style of music as a mixture of blue, folk, rock and something for every preference in music.

“It’s easy to inspire others when you are on fire and Michael Kelsey is on fire. His creativity jumps from person to person and you don’t often find that in today’s world. His concert might not inspire you to go home and play the guitar, but it might inspire you to go home and paint a picture, write a book or so something else of artistic interest.

At the reception, Kelsey will play two 45-minute sets, at 5:30 and 6:30 p.m.

Kelsey’s music appeals to all ages and especially to young adults. He brews soul, funk and even a little bit of the blues into a guitar festival.

“College students relate to his music and they are certainly invited to our patrons’ reception,” Jinright said.

The TAC Patrons Reception is usually a come and go affair but, this year, it will be different. No one is going to want to come and leave without hearing Michael Kelsey.

Kelsey was born and raised in Lafayette, Indiana. He began his musical journey weaving in and out of successful bands as lead guitarist or bassist. Later, he opened and ran a thriving recording studio. After five years, he retired to embark on a career as a soloist artist.

“There’s a five piece band in my head. They all have different tastes in music and they are trying to escape at the same time through my hands, feet and mouth,” Kelsey said. “I hang onto an acoustic guitar and see what happens.”

The public is invited to attend the Patrons’ Reception on Tuesday. Those who wish to become patrons of the arts will have an opportunity to do so. Information about the TAC and its calendar of events for 2009-2010 will also be available.