Bank robbery suspect faces trial today

Published 10:00 pm Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Troy man will face a Pike County Jury today on charges of robbing two local banks.

James Henry Davis, 50 of Troy, is charged first with robbing Troy Bank & Trust in Brundidge in December 2008 and then robbing Troy’s Colonial Bank in January 2009.

Davis was arrested by the Troy Police Department Jan. 14 and faces two felony charges of robbery first degree.

Pike County District Attorney Gary McAliley said he could not comment on the case but is prepared to go to trial.

“We’re ready to go, and we’re ready to present our side,” McAliley said. “We have expert witnesses coming from different states to testify, and we feel certain after the state has presented to a jury they will find beyond a reasonable doubt that he should be charged with these two counts of robbery first degree.”

As has been previously reported in The Messenger, Davis is alleged to have entered Colonial Bank on Jan. 9 around 4:30 p.m. and left with an undisclosed amount of cash.

While the Troy Police worked to investigate that case, it was discovered that Davis could also have been the robber of Troy Bank & Trust just a month before.

“During their investigation, Troy Police were able to tell this guy was possible the same person that robbed our bank,” Brundidge Police Chief Moses Davenport said in a previous interview. “It was dedicated work by the Troy Police Department.”

There was $2,500 stolen from Troy Bank & Trust in the incident.

If convicted of robbery first degree, which is a Class A felony, Davis will face between 10 and 99 years, according to the Alabama Code of Law.