‘Ten Virgins’ deemed a success

Published 10:39 pm Monday, August 17, 2009

“The Ten Virgins: Five Wise, Five Foolish” was not just a play. It was the Word of God.

Playwright Virginia Glover said the play that was performed at the Frazier Center in Brundidge Aug. 15 and 16 was taken from Matthew 25:1-13.

“The scripture warns us that the time of the coming is at hand and that we’ll ‘know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh,’” Glover said. “The play was taken from this scripture because we are like the 10 virgins. Some are wise and some are foolish.”

The storyline followed the scriptures.

The ten virgins went forth to meet the bridegroom,” Glover said. “The foolish took their lamps but took no oil. The wise took oil in their lamps. When the bridegroom was coming the wise took their lamps to meet him but the foolish had to go buy oil. While they were gone the bridegroom came and the door was shut to them.

“The Ten Virgins: Five Wise, Five Foolish” was set in the 21st century.

While the wise studied the Word of God and followed its teachings, the foolish gave lip service to the scriptures, went to church on Sunday and enjoyed the night life the rest of the time.

And, at the time of the Second Coming, the foolish found the door shut just as the scriptures had warned.

“God did not know them,” Glover said. “It was too late.”

Glover, who also wrote the script of “The Accuser,” which played in Auburn, said it is her hope that the plays she writes will be a blessing to those who perform them as well as to the audiences.

The message of “The Ten Virgins,” she believes, is clear, that “we know not the day nor the hour” so we must be ready at all times to meet Jesus or follow the path of the foolish.

The cast of “The Ten Virgins: Five Wise, Five Foolish” included the 10 virgins, a teacher, a preacher, the voice of Jesus and several soloists.

The play was produced by the Concerned Christians of Brundidge as a fundraiser for the annual March for Jesus, which is held the third Saturday in October.

“The play was another way for us to reach people outside the church walls,” said the Rev. Willie Moulty, CCoB president.

“What we did on Saturday night and Sunday afternoon was, from everything I’ve heard, a total success. The play was very dramatic, and I hope it opened a lot of eyes and caused people to rethink what they are doing in their lives.”

Moultry said the play raised money for the March for Jesus, which is also a way of reaching people who don’t have a church home.

“‘The March for Jesus’ takes Jesus outside the walls of the church and brings in people of all ages and from all walks of life,” he said. “It is an important outreach ministry. Normally, we ask merchants for donations, and they have been very generous, but this year we wanted to try raising funds in a way that would open more people to Jesus.”

The March for Jesus includes a festival at Galloway Park with games, food and fellowship. Everyone is invited to share in a day of Christian fellowship and there is no admission charge. Everything is free. The funds raised by “The Ten Virgins” will be used to defray the expenses of the activities.