Farmers Market still going strong

Published 7:06 pm Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Pioneer Farmers Market is still going strong, perhaps not as strong as it was when the summer harvest season was in full swing but there’s still plenty of produce available each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

The Pioneer Farmers Market opens at 5 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the back parking lot of First Methodist Church in Troy. The market opens at 7 a.m. on Saturdays.

The markets close when all of the produce is sold or all the customers are served.

Thursday’s market offered butterbeans and a variety of peas, shelled and bagged, okra, watermelons and Chilton County peaches.

The Berry Farm will have muscadines beginning Saturday.

Tomatoes were in demand but Monica Carroll of Carroll’s Farm Fresh Produce said she won’t have tomatoes again until September.

“This year, we’ll have fall tomatoes and they should be as good or better than the summer tomatoes,” she said.

David Sanders said plans are for the Pioneer Farmers Market to run through the fall.

“Hopefully, we’ll have a good variety of fall produce,” he said.

Sanders said those who have Farmers Authority vouchers are to be reminded that the vouchers may be redeemed through November.

The number of vouchers allotted locally for the 2010 harvest season will depend on the number of vouchers redeemed during the 2009 season.

“Everyone needs to use their vouchers,” he said

“It’s important so we encourage everyone to support the Pioneer Farmers Market by redeeming their vouchers.”