It’s time to rumble

Published 9:32 pm Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The engines started a long time ago with the desire to do something for Jerry’s Kids.

Now, it’s almost time to rumble.

The Pike County Firefighter Association’s Rumble Around the County is set for July 25. All proceeds from the “rumble” will benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

The registration fee is $20 for the biker and $10 for additional riders.

“All of the money from the registration fees will go directly to the MDA,” said John Register, president of the Pike County Fire and Rescue.

“We will accept special donations that will go to a fund to help send a little Brundidge boy, Braxton Brady, who has Duchene Muscular Dystrophy, to summer camp at Camp ASCCA at Jackson Gap in 2010.

“He wasn’t quite old enough to go this year and it’s something that would be very special for him.”

Donation jugs for Braxton have been placed at businesses around the county but those donations will be from the “Jerry’s Kids” fund.

Registration for the “Rumble” will start at 7:45 a.m. Saturday, July 25 at the Pike County Fire and Rescue Unit, 509 Orion Street in Troy. The first group out will leave at 9 a.m.

“The route will be backwards from last year,” Register said.

“We’ll leave the fire and rescue station, go to Meeksville, Goshen, Henderson, Springhill, Hamilton Crossroads, Brundidge, Banks, Saco and back to the fire station. At each place, we’ll stop at the volunteer fire stations so the bikers can roll the dice.”

The biker with the highest roll total will win a shadow box and a small monetary gift. The biker with the lowest number will win a monetary prize and a door prize.

“The prize money has been donated and does not come from the registration fees,” Register said. “All that money goes to MDA.”

A grilled chicken lunch will be served to the bikers at the fire station and all the food has been donated by vendors and businesses around the county.

For more information, contact Register at 268-1765 or Louis Davis at 268-7214.