Brown Bag at the Studio today

Published 9:39 pm Monday, June 22, 2009

All good things must come to an end, if only a temporary end.

So, at noon today, the 2009 spring edition of Brown Bag on the Square will come to a temporary end – until October, when Mother Nature turns down the heat and there’s just a hint of fall in the air.

“First, because of the heat and humidity, today’s Brown Bag will be held at the Cultural Art Studio on East Walnut Street across from the Johnson Center for the Arts,” said Shelia Jackson, city of Troy tourism director.

“The weather won’t be a factor, so we invite everybody to come out and spend their lunch hour with friends and neighbors and enjoy hometown entertainment and have an opportunity to win some really great door prizes.”

Those who want to pack a picnic or stop for a pickup at their favorite eatery are not discouraged to do so, but Jackson said everyone is to be reminded that free grilled hotdogs and soft drinks will be available.

The entertainment will be a “stone soup” serving from the community.

“We are going to have an open mic and this is an opportunity for people of all ages to showcase their talents so it should be a mixed bag of entertainment,” Jackson said. “This is not a contest. There will be no winners, just a chance to entertain for an audience by singing, playing an instrument, reciting poetry, dancing. Whatever talent you have that you’d like to share.”

Jackson said each performance should last less than three minutes in order to give others an opportunity to step to the mic.

“Some people might come to Brown Bag with no intentions of performing but might decide they want to participate because it looks like so much fun,” Jackson said. “This will be a fun event, and we hope to make it one of the biggest and best Brown Bags this season.”

Door prizes will be furnished by Rep. Alan Boothe, D-Troy, and City Councilman Jason Reeves.

Jackson said everyone should make sure to pick up a ticket to enter the drawing for the door prizes.