Kid Fishing Day Saturday at Clay Hill Farms

Published 10:15 pm Wednesday, June 17, 2009

What better way for a father to spend time with his children on Father’s Day weekend than to take them fishing?

And there will be no better fishing anywhere this weekend than at Clay Hill Farms.

Each year, John Dorrill hosts Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day at his catfish pond at Clay Hill Farms and, as always, the fishing will be good, said Blake Nowling, Pike County conservation officer.

“There will be plenty of fish to catch so everybody is encouraged to bring an ice chest to take home their catch,” Nowling said. “Kids’ Fishing Day is a time of free fishing for kids ages 5 to 12 and it’s a real educational fishing experience for these kids because, for a lot of them, it’s their first time fishing.”

Registration will begin at 7 a.m. and fishing will be from 8 until 10:30 a.m. on Saturday. All children must be accompanied by a parent or a responsible adult.

“Each kid should bring a hat and sunglasses because it’s going to be hot,” Nowling said. “Everyone that fishes will need a rod and reel or fishing pole and bait. Chicken livers are good bait for catfish, but they are kind of hard for kids to handle because they can fly off when they cast. Shrimp is good bait and so are worms. The fish will bite one about as good as the other.”

Trophies will be awarded to the kid who catches the biggest fish in each age group and other prizes will also be awarded.

Wal-Mart in Troy is a sponsor of the annual Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day and will furnish the trophies and food treats. The event is also sponsored by the Alabama Conservation Enforcement Officers Association and the Alabama Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries Division and is partially funded by the Federal Sport Fish Restoration Program.

Nowling expressed appreciation to all of those who make the Kids’ Fishing Day possible.

“We hope that the Pike County Kids’ Fishing Day will generate an interest in fishing for the kids and their families,” he said. “We encourage parents to take their kids fishing. Like the old adage says, ‘Feed a man a fish and you’ll feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you’ll feed him for life.’ When a kid enjoys fishing, it can provide a lifetime of enjoyment.”

Clay Hill Farms is located on County Road 5523 between Brundidge and Banks.

Nowling said there are good fishing “holes” in Pike County that are open to the public. Pike County Lake is now free but a license is required. L&L Lakes at Springhill and Lake Simmie in Brundidge charge a small fee but offer good fishing.