Land Deeds 06-08 to 06-15
Published 3:10 pm Monday, June 15, 2009
Land Deeds 06-08 to 06-15
Dorothy Averette conveyed unto David Mark Adams
Sara Jean Barefoot conveyed unto James Lamar Barefoot Jr.
Sara jean Barefoot conveyed unto Wing P Barefoot
Elizabeth P Belcher conveyed unto Eva Fralish
Milton Brundidge conveyed unto Lower Alabama Properties LLC
Miki Chancellor conveyed unto Deborah L Gearhart
Miki Chancellor conveyed unto Jerry D Gearhart
Winnie F Chancellor FKA Miki Chancellor conveyed unto Deborah L Gearhart
Winnie F Chancellor FKA Miki Chancellor conveyed unto Jerry D Gearhart
Forsyth William George Jr. Estate conveyed unto Mallory Slaughter
Margaret R Griffen conveyed unto David Everete Griffen