Local chosen for Eastdale Mall team

Published 8:30 pm Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Eastdale Mall in Montgomery has announced the members of its 2009-2010 Teen Team, and Charles Henderson High School’s Tara Youngblood is among the 46 young women and men selected.

The Eastdale Mall Teen Team members represent 18 schools throughout the River Region. The selected high school students are committed to serving their community, achieving academic excellence, promoting fun and fashion and providing positive leadership for young people in the River Region.

That’s a tall order for any teenager but especially one who is as actively involved in school and community activities as Tara Youngblood.

“During the interview process, I was asked how I would be able to do all that is required of the Teen Team when I am involved in so many other activities,” Youngblood said.

“I answered simply that I am involved in a lot of activities but, to do that, you have to be dedicated and motivated and know your goals. I’m a leader, and I know how to focus on my priorities and keep them in order.”

Tara is president of the CHHS Class of 2010 and a member of the National Honor Society, Future Business Leaders of America, Drama Club, Interact Club and Key Club and an advisor for Mentoring Matters.

She is also a member of the Rhoer Club, which is a junior Greek community service organization.

“I’m involved in a lot of activities but I wanted very much to be a member of the Eastdale Mall Teen Team,” Youngblood said. “They are ambassadors for the Eastdale Mall fashion shows and help with promotional events and participate in community service projects. I can remember going to Eastdale Mall when I was much younger and seeing the pictures of all those teens on the wall, and I wanted to be up there, too. My friend, Nikki Knox was a member of the Eastdale Mall Teen Team, and she encouraged me to try out.”

The initial audition included an interview, a dance routine and a runway walk.

“If they liked you the first round, they called you back and you were asked to do all the same things again,” Youngblood said. “Then, they posted the names of those who made it, and I was so excited to see my name because that was something I really wanted to do.”

Youngblood has already made a lot of new friends from the River Region and is enjoying getting to know so many young people.

“Our first official outing together was at a Biscuits’ baseball game last week,” she said. “They made a big thing out of it and announced all of our names. That was exciting. The next outing will be a Saturday Family Fun Night. We’ll be involved with the kids playing games, taking them ice skating – things like that.”

The Teen Team will participate in a fashion show in July and model clothing from the different stores in the mall.

“We’ll have meetings the first Monday of each month and make plans for the events and activities for that month,” Tara said.

“I’ll be real busy, but it’s going to be a lot of fun, and I’m going to be as dedicated and committed to being an Eastdale Mall Teen Team member as I am to the other things that I’m involved in at school and in my community.”