Canning workshop offered to residents

Published 10:00 pm Monday, May 25, 2009

Just as “The Little Engine That Could,” so “can” the people of Pike County who want to either beat the downturn of the economy or just enjoy fresh vegetables from the garden.

“We are getting more and more questions about the how-to of canning,” said Tammy Powell, Pike County Extension coordinator.

“Partly, because of the economy but mainly because of the great, fresh-food taste of canned foods, there is an increased interest in canning.”

In an effort to make information about canning available to a large number of people, the Pike County Extension Office is offering a canning workshop from 10 a.m. until noon on Thursday, May 28, at Cattleman Park.

The fee is $5 per person.

The canning workshop is open to anyone who wants to be reminded how to can and how to can safely.

“The workshop is open to everyone,” Powell said.

“There will be information of value to those who have been canning for years and for those who have never canned before.”

The workshop agenda will include how to use a pressure canner, pressure canning testing and a canning demonstration using spaghetti sauce.

“A lot of people are using the older types of canners and the lids of the canners need to be checked,” Powell said.

“Those who have not canned before will get lots of training. So the workshop will be beneficial to all who attend.”

There will also be financial information available to show the dollars that can be saved through home canning.

The canning workshop will be led by Bridgette Griffin, regional Extension agent in food safety, preservation and preparation.

Lunch will be served at noon following the canning demonstration.

To register, call Powell at 334-566-0985 or Griffin at 334-222-1125.