No reason to fret
Published 11:09 pm Wednesday, May 6, 2009
While, the swine flu is definitely on everyone’s mind, especially with at least two probable cases in Troy we think it’s important to take a moment. breathe, and more important, not to overreact.
While, it’s only natural to be a concerned, the CDC advises the best thing you can do to stay healthy is to stay informed and to use common-sense measures to protect yourself.
Take simple steps, such as covering your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw away the tissue when you’re finished.
Wash you hands often with soap and water, and avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread rapidly this way.
If you do get sick, stay at home. Don’t go to work or school. It’s vital to keep away from people to avoid contact with others. Follow public health advice on school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
It’s not necessary to run out and buy surgical masks, withdraw your children from school or take all your vacation time and become a hermit in your house.
But, do use a little bit of common sense, which is important for all types of viruses – not just the swine flu.
So basically, there’s no need to do anything other than what you would do to prevent normal viruses.