‘Horse Whisperer’ to be in county May 11

Published 8:12 pm Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Because of the techniques that Paul Daily employs in training horses, he is sometimes called a “horse whisperer.”

However, Daily describes himself, simply, as an “ole country boy” who loves horses and has worked with them all of his life.

Daily is the founder of Wild Horse Ministries, and he will be in Pike County at 6:30 p.m. Monday, May 11, at the Cattleman Park Arena.

The Salem-Troy Baptist Association is the event’s sponsor, and it is free and open to the public. Tickets are available at the association building at 317 Ray Avenue in Troy. However, tickets are not required to attend.

Daily is not the “horse whisperer” in the popular movie, but he uses the same techniques to train horses in the “round pen.”

Wild Horse Ministries held its first demonstration or service in February 1997 at the Daily home near Jena, La.

The demonstration was presented to a Sunday school class taught by Daily’s wife, Joana. Initially the ministry was restricted to Daily’s round pen or to others who had a round pen. But soon, Daily said the Lord provided and now the only things Wild Horse Ministries needs are praying sponsors, an arena large enough for the round pen and an untrained 2- or 3-year-old halter or rope broke horse.

“Paul Daily will actually “gentle,” bridle, saddle and ride a ‘wild’ horse during the demonstration,” said Averyt Walker, Salem-Troy Baptist Association director of missions. “And, at the same time, he will use the lessons the horse is learning in the round pen and relate them to man’s life lessons with Jesus Christ.”

As Daily works with the horse, he explains the “Round Pen of Life” to his audience. He points out the similarities between man’s relationship with God and a horse’s relationship with his trainer, Walker said.

Daily needs only 10 steps to “gentle” a wild horse and those same steps apply to man’s acceptance of God as the guiding hand and the acceptance of God’s free gift of eternal life with him.

The demonstration will last about an hour and a half. Door prizes will be given at the conclusion of the service and will include a saddle, television and gift certificates at local businesses including Walker’s Western Wear and Santa Fe Cattle Company.