Pike County Relay raises $180,086

Published 10:33 pm Saturday, May 2, 2009

Any doubts that Pike County would come through in the 2009 Relay for Life campaign were put to rest as the midnight hour approached Friday night.

In his familiar voice, Ralph Black said the words that summed up Pike County’s year-long commitment to the fight against cancer.

The generosity of the people of Pike County was measured in dollars and cents – “One hundred and eighty thousand and eight-six dollars and ninety-three cents.”

“Incredible,” said Pam Little, co-chair of the 2009 Relay for Life campaign. “There’s no other word to describe it. For a county of our size and in these troubled economic times to give $180,086.53 is just incredible. It just proves how Pike County is. The generosity of the people of Pike County is just amazing.”

Little said she had set, in her mind, a goal of $180,000 for the campaign but never dreamed that it would be reached.

“Because of the economy, $100,000 would have been a successful campaign, but the people of Pike County came through and the Relay board is so appreciative of the efforts of all of those who worked so hard and the generosity of all of those who gave,” she said.

Awards were presented to the top teams in the 2009 fundraising campaign.

The top team was SARHA with a total of $20,256.45.

“I think that is one of the highest team totals the we have had since Relay started,” Little said. “Twenty-thousand dollars says a lot about SARHA’s commitment to Relay. And we had another team that passed the $15,000 mark, Boots ’n Boogie. They raised $16,750 and AirTek was close behind with $15,999.58. Those teams also have a strong commitment to Relay and their hard work and dedication show.”

AirTek was the per capita team winner.

The First United Methodist Church Relay team was recognized for raising $10,000 or more. Their total was $11,108. Virginia Spurlock won the award as the top individual fundraiser with $3,730.

The Avis Synco Spirit of Relay award went to Sikorsky Support Services.

“Sikorsky really got involved about three weeks ago and, in that short time, they raised $5,200,” Little said. “Just think what they can do in a year’s time.”

East Central Mental Health won the banner award and the Pike County Courthouse won the tent decoration award.

“Both of those award winners stuck closely to our ‘A Rainbow of Hope.’” theme,” Little said. “Everyone did a good job with their banners and tent decorations and we thank all of those who participated.”

Alacare won the Rookie Team of the Year award and the team was congratulated for an outstanding effort in their first year.

Little said the success of the 2009 Relay for Life campaign was because of the efforts of so many and she expressed appreciation to the Relay board for its hard work and dedication.

Little and co-chair Rhonda Tuberville will be the co-chairs of the 2010 Relay for Life fundraising campaign.

“The experience that we have gained this year will be very beneficial to us as we begin our game plan for next year,” Little said. “I’m really looking forward to next year. I’m even excited about it. I’m so proud of our county and what they did this year. It’s just wonderful to be from Pike County.”

Click here for a photo gallery of 2009 Relay for Life