All-purpose cleaner boost at Johnson

Published 10:31 pm Saturday, May 2, 2009

The phones at Johnson Labs, Inc. in Troy are ringing more than usual this week as there are growing concerns about the spreading of swine flu.

“We are getting a lot of calls about our All-In-One Plus disinfectant spray product,” said Dale Almond, sales coordinator for Johnson Labs. “Our local school systems have reordered this week in light of the swine flu scare. We’ve got a product that is second to none when it comes to a disinfectant.”

Almond said the Johnson Lab All-In-One Plus disinfectant spray product is 99.9 percent effective in killing viruses and he stands by it 100 percent.

“All-In-One Plus is not a cure but it is a very effective preventive spray,” he said.

All-In-One Plus was developed by Johnson Lab and is EPA registered.

“That means that our product does exactly what we say that it will do,” Almond said. “Of course, bleach will kill 99 percent of the germs that it comes in contact with. But, if you wipe a doorknob with bleach and then someone comes along and touches it, then it can be contaminated again.

“That’s where All-In-One Plus has the advantage. It has a lingering effect – a residual effect — that will last a day or more. So, when you disinfect with it, the surface will be 99.9 percent germ free for a relatively long time and that’s real advantage over other disinfectants.”

For that reason, school systems, hospitals and other high-traffic facilities are using the Johnson Labs product.

Dr. Mark Bazzell, superintendent of Pike County Schools, said a decision was made to use All-In-One Plus a couple of years ago when there was concern about MRSA.

“There was a lot of concern about staph infections and we did a lot of research into finding a product that would do what we wanted it to do,” Bazzell said. “We involved our school nurses and looked at several different products and decided that All-In-One Plus would be the one that would be the most satisfactory.”

The product is made available to all custodians in the Pike County School System and to teachers for classroom use.

Troy City Schools, Pike Liberal Arts School and Troy Regional Medical Center also use the All-In-One Plus product.

Although Almond said the All-In-One Plus disinfectant spray is an industrial product, Johnson Labs will make it available to local outlets if there is a demand.

For more information about product availability, call 770-0555.