Tuberville takes ‘Relay’ personally

Published 9:32 pm Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rhonda Tuberville became involved with the Pike County Relay for Life campaign at the very start as a member of the Troy Service Alliance.

The year was 1995 and she was committed to helping find a cure for cancer. But it was not until 2004 that the mission became very personal for her.

“That year, I was the team captain for my church, Richland Baptist,” Tuberville said. “That year, my mother was being treated for cancer and she was too sick to go to the Relay for Life event. I’ll never forget that year and I’ll never forget the survivors’ lap. Seeing all of those people, friends and neighbors, who have survived this terrible disease because of what the American Cancer Society has been able to do with the monies that we have raised through Relay for Life event made a lasting impression on me.”

Tuberville’s mother passed away that year and she became even more dedicated to the cause and is willing to do whatever she can to win the fight against cancer.

She has been on the Pike County Relay for Life board of directors for three years and served as captain of the Richland Baptist Church team until this year when she accepted the challenges and responsibilities of co-chair of the 2009 Pike County Relay for Life campaign.

Tuberville and Pam Little agreed to co-chair this year’s event along with chair Janet Baker and to accept the leadership role in 2010.

“Of course, the board realized that, because of the economy being so bad, that this could be a challenging year,” Tuberville said. “But we also knew about the generosity of the people of Pike County and we knew that they would be supportive.”

And, from all indications, the people of Pike County have not backed away from the fundraising campaign.

“The board members bagged groceries at Southern Family Market last week and people were very generous with their tips,” Tuberville said. “There are many worthwhile organizations that need and deserve the financial support of the community and we are so appreciative of the continued support for Relay for Life.”

Tuberville said the reason that people are so willing to give is that there are very few people whose lives have not been touched by cancer.

“Those who have not been directly affected know of a friend, a neighbor or a church member who has been affected,” she said. “It’s that connection that motives people to give.”

At a recent Pike County Relay for Life team captains’ meeting, a representative from the American Cancer Society polled the captains with questions related to cancer.

“Those who could answer ‘yes’ were asked to stand,” Tuberville said. “By the end of the questioning, everyone in the room was standing. Cancer affects all of us. That’s why so many care.”