Easter Sunday services today

Published 10:28 pm Saturday, April 11, 2009

Today many Christians will awake and attend the annual Easter celebration, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

All over Pike County, special Easter services are being held this morning, after a weekend of fun-filled activities in celebration of Easter.

From egg hunts to pick up ducks to Easter dinner with the family, residents spent the weekend celebrating this special time of year.

For some Christians, the past week has been a journey to the celebration of the resurrection.

Holy Week, which is celebrated by Catholics, Episcopalians, Methodists and other Christian sect, has served as a symbolic walk with Jesus through his last days before the death, burial and resurrection.

Pastors throughout the county agree the greatest joy is celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus.

Rev. Jeffrey Gibson, pastor of St. Mark’s Episcopal Church explained to The Messenger the reason for celebrating Holy Week, “We believe to come to church on Palm Sunday and not return until Easter Sunday leaves one without the whole mystery. You really haven’t participated with Jesus unless you have walked the whole path.

Services today range from all-day events to traditional Easter Sunday services to whole community events.

In Banks, Full Gospel Assembly of God Church will have an all-day celebration.

Sunday School Secretary Martha Wambles aid, “On Easter we will have a whole day’s service with Sunday school, preaching, lunch and an egg hunt and egg toss.”

At the First United Methodist Church there will be two Easter services.

“Our Easter services will be at 8:30 a.m. and 10:55 a.m., with the 8:30 being an informal service using the Cokesbury hymnal and the 10:55 service being the traditional service,” said First United Methodist Church Pastor David McVay.

In Brundidge, there will be a community-wide sunrise service beginning at 6:30 a.m.

Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage said at this week’s council meeting the sunrise service would be held at the Pike County High School stadium.

Also, services at St. Mark’s Episcopal will begin at 9:30 a..m.