Plenty of fun in Troy this weekend

Published 10:08 pm Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring has sprung, and if there’s any doubt that fun abounds, you need only look around Troy this weekend.

From parades to pooches, football to fun, there’s plenty of activities on tap.

For the animal lovers, the Pike Animal Shelter’s Bow-Wow Pow-Wow event takes place from 1 to 3 p.m. at Murphree Park on Saturday. The event, sponsored by the grassroots organization working to build a first-class shelter for strays right here in Pike County, will provide plenty of information as well as the opportunity to meet and adopt the dozens of adorable dogs currently at the shelter. From puppies to full-grown dogs, all with lovable eyes and hearts ready to follow new owners, these dogs are hard to resist. We hope you’ll go out and support the Pike Animal Shelter volunteers.

If Irish is your choice of fun, join the Troy University St. Patrick’s Day Parade on campus at noon. The parade is part of the Spring Weekend of activities, which include the Spring Preview Day for prospective students and their parents; the Spring Reunion for alumni (including the Alumni Reunion Dinner on Saturday Night): and the Trojans’ spring football scrimmage at 2 p.m. on Saturday at Movie Gallery Stadium, complete with tailgate and special events before hand. So there’s plenty of activity on campus this weekend, no matter what you choice of fun.

So head outside this weekend and join in the fun that our hometown has to offer.