Take time Monday to read with a child

Published 1:02 am Sunday, March 1, 2009

Monday is an important day for young people here in Pike County.

It is, after all, the national celebration of “Read Across America Day.”

The celebration, sponsored annually by the National Education Association, is designed to inspire children to read. By connecting with the birthday of beloved children’s author “Dr. Seuss” and by encouraging adults to come to the classrooms to read to and with children, Read Across America has grown into an event that unites thousands

of schools, libraries and community centers in the simple act of reading.

The event began in 1997, when a small reading task force at NEA came up with an idea: to create a day to celebrate reading. From pep rallies to birthday parties for Dr. Seuss, celebrations ensured.

Here in Pike County, youngsters will don the familiar red and while striped hats for the event, Troy University athletes will return to middle school classrooms to inspire young readers, and adults will head to the schools, books in hand, to read with youngsters.

We think it’s one of the best celebrations of the school year. Reading is, pardon the pun, fundamental to a child’s success in life. The ability to read and comprehend will serve him well, and anything we can do as adults and a society to encourage a love of reading among youngsters should be at the top of our priority list as a nation.

So on Monday, we encourage you to pick up a book and read with a child … From Dr. Seuss to Harry Potter, it matters not. Just take the time to read.