Board approves new programs

Published 8:59 pm Monday, February 23, 2009

Kendra Bolling

It’s out with one program and in with two additional programs at the Troy Pike Center for Technology.

The Troy City School board voted unanimously to dissolve the Manufacturing Academy for Industrial Systems Technology at the end of the current school year and implement a building and construction technology program and an engineering Project Lead the Way program.

In the past years, the Manufacturing Academy has not had the student interest, said Superintendent Linda Felton-Smith.

The new programs were recommended from an advisory board.

According to Felton-Smith, the building and construction technology program has been available in years past and the engineering program will provide a foundation to those who are interested in engineering after high school.

In other business, the board voted to approve a 2008-2009-budget amendment, which is due to the state department at week’s end. The changes to the original budget include changes to the ending balance, which is around $9.7 million, and is only about $100,000 off the original number. But only after the board dipped into the reserves.

According to Felton-Smith, the board was originally working with projected figures but now is working with the actual amount.

Troy City Schools received the highest opinion in its independent auditor’s report conducted by the firm Brunson, Wilkerson and Bowden.

Firm Representative Tanya Mathis reported to the board that Troy City Schools earned an unqualified opinion, which is the highest opinion given, in its financials and other major federal programs.

Mathis also said the school system is in sound financial position as of Sept. 30, 2008.

The board also approved several personnel changes.

At Troy Elementary School, Special Education Teacher Sally Mathews will retire May 29, 2009; Secretary Brenda Fayson submitted a resignation, effective March 31, 2009 and Special Education Aide Mildred Johnson will retire March 1, 2009.

Sixth Grade teacher at Charles Henderson Middle School Betty Crook will retire May 29, 2009.

Charles Henderson High School saw two resignations, both effective May 29, 2009, from English teacher Amanda Hutchinson and Culinary Arts teacher Will Shurett.

During the board’s academic report, members of the CHHS Vocal Ensemble performed “Keep Your Lamps,” a song in honor of Black History Month.

The board’s next meeting will be held Monday, March 30 at 5:15 p.m. at the Central Office.