Mitchell donates $15K to Pike County 4-H Club

Published 9:41 pm Saturday, February 21, 2009

It’s been months coming, but the Pike County 4-H Club has seen some much needed relief.

Alabama Sen. Wendell Mitchell (D-Luverne) presented a $15,000 check to the Pike County Extension Office Friday to compensate for some of the organization’s losses this year.

“The reason I’m here is the county commission knows how valuable this program is, and they’ve been strapping for money for a while,” Mitchell said.

In a tight budget year, commissioners denied requests from the extension office to allot $15,000 to the program, on top of $10,000 that comes from the county sales tax fund for local agencies.

This was $25,000 the commission had given the year prior.

“We’re thankful to Sen. Mitchell and Rep. Boothe for being here and for always coming through for us,” said Pike County Commission Chairman Robin Sullivan.

Mitchell said after reading information on the county 4-H program, it was impossible for him not to provide funding.

“I am so impressed. I have been studying the 4-H program in Pike County,” Mitchell said. Pike County 4-H is one of the largest in the state. When you read stuff like I just read, you can’t help but fund this program.”

And Pike County Extension Agent Tammy Powell said this donation will be useful in the program’s growth.

“Pike County has been blessed with wonderful young people,” Powell said. “It does not come without the support of their families, the county commission and others like Sen. Mitchell and Rep. Boothe.”

Boothe, who was present at the check presentation, encouraged the 4-H members gathered at the extension office.

“If you go back and research past leaders in the state, the largest percentage were either members of 4-H or boyscouts,” Boothe said. “You’re sitting at the doorstep.”