Allstate Beverage to close doors

Published 10:15 pm Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A business that has stood in Troy for more than 30 years announced it will close its doors permanently in the coming months.

Allstate Beverage Company, which serves a supplier and warehouse for the area, will close its warehouse in Troy sometime between March and April.

But, General Manager and Sales Manager Steve Andrews said that doesn’t mean the company will stop doing local business.

“Our inventory won’t be here,” Andrews said. “We still want to be here to support the community.”

Still, the closing of the warehouse may leave some 10 people without jobs in the coming months.

“Our sales team here will still be the same employees,” Andrews said. “The only people affected will be warehouse employees.”

After a merger between the Allstate Beverage Company and Gulf Distribution, Andrews said the Troy store will close and the sales employees will move to Montgomery. In addition, Andrews said some of the warehouse employees may be transferred to that store.

Andrews said the close does not come based on his decision.

“I hate it worse than anything,” Andrews said.

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford said this move only adds to concern of several other businesses that have already announced closing their doors.

“We hate to see any business leave Troy,” Lunsford said.

But, fortunately, he said their loss should not contribute to any more decreases in sales tax revenues, since the company will continue to supply to local vendors.

“The biggest impact on us is the loss of utilities,” Lunsford said.