Key vote looms in Senate Monday

Published 8:01 pm Saturday, February 7, 2009

With a tentative compromise in hand, Senators have a key vote ahead on Monday.

Will the estimated $827 billion bailout bill be enough of a compromise between spending and stimulus to actually pass the Senate?

That remains to be seen.

This massive legislation, which some analysts put at 52 percent spending and 48 percent stimulus/tax incentives, is chock full of programs and money … from funding for “shovel-ready” projects designed to put people back to work to tax credits for homebuyers.

The question all Americans want to know, though, is how much pork remains?

How many pet projects of Congressional Democrats are being funded in this bill? How many programs, such as anti-smoking efforts, are still included in the final package? How much of this debt we’re about to incur will actually go towards re-energizing our economy?

Moreover, Americans want to have some sort of confidence that this massive bailout – an investment of historic proportions – will be effective. Almost every talking head has a different opinion, as do our elected leaders.

Ultimately, though, no one can predict what will happen once a package is passed and implemented.

What Americans need, and want, is for a leveling of the economy, a reset if you will, that allows emotions and nerves to settle and allows businesses to grow again.

We want to work, for a fair wage and compensation; we want our neighbors to work; and we want to know that our work will produce goods and services that are both wanted and needed.

Monday’s vote will be telling step in the process.