‘Go Red’ campaign slated for Friday
Published 9:29 pm Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Go Red for Women is the American Heart Association’s national movement to increase women’s awareness of their risk of heart disease, the number one killer of women.
“‘Go Red for Women’ is designed to help women make the right choices to reduce the risks of heart disease and stroke,” said Jennifer Ventress, Troy Regional Medical Center chief nursing officer.
“The movement connects women with their habits and supports the cause as they communicate with others about their choices to beat heart disease.”
The “Go Red for Women” awareness movement is ongoing but on Friday, Feb. 6, women of all ages are encouraged to wear red to bring awareness to the seriousness of heart disease and encourage women to know more about heart disease and to do more to prevent it.
Even though, heart disease is the number one killer of women, it is largely preventable.
Ventress said that, when women make the right choices for their hearts, they have the power to change the statistic that heart disease kills one woman every minute.
The five choices listed by the American Heart Association as life-saving choices are:
Choose to be empowered by the facts. One in three women has some form of cardiovascular disease.
Knowing the personal risk of heart disease is the first powerful, lifesaving step to a healthy life, no matter the age.
Choose to know your risk.
Take the Go Red Heart Checkup at GoRedForWomen.org to learn your 10-year personal risk for heart disease.
Visit your health care provider on a yearly basis to control your blood pressure, cholesterol and weight.
Choose to inspire and connect.Visit GoRedForWomen.org to connect with women nationwide who share your passion to prevent heart disease.
See what choices other women are making to live longer, stronger lives and share your story about the choices you’ve made.
Choose to show your support. Help fund valuable research on the topic of women and heart disease. With as little as $5, you can make a donation at the Go Red Web site.
Choose to dress the part. Support the movement by wearing red on Friday, Feb. 6, and/or by purchasing a “Go Red for Women” tote bag from the Pike County Heart Association. Bags may be purchased by calling Tracey Davis at 334-372-5099.
Ventress said that by making the right choices for one’s heart, women have the power to change the statistic that heart disease kills one woman every minute. The women who “Go Red” on Friday will demonstrate their determination to change a staggering statistic and save lives.