Lepp brings tall tales to stage

Published 10:00 pm Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Few people can lie and get away with it.

Bil Lepp not only gets away with outrageous lies, he gets paid for telling them.

Lepp is a five-time champion of the West Virginia Liars’ Contest and he says, in all honesty, “Everywhere I’ve slept, I lied.”

Lepp is one of four nationally acclaimed storytellers who will appear at the Pike Piddlers Storytelling Festival this weekend at the We Piddle Around Theater in Brundidge on Friday night and the Trojan Center on Saturday.

He will also present a storytelling concert for Troy University and area high school students at 1 p.m. Friday at the Trojan Center Theater.

Lepp’s outrageous, humorous tall-tales and witty stories have earned the appreciation of listeners of all ages and from all walks of life.

“Bil Lepp is one of the funniest men I have ever heard,” said Alabama storyteller Kathryn Tucker Windham, who will also be featured teller at the Festival. “What’s so amazing about Bil is that he makes you believe those wild stories he tells.”

Lepp has been a featured teller at the National Storytelling Festival, the Smithsonian Folklife Festival and many other major storytelling Festivals.

“People will really enjoy him,” Windham said. “Goodness, I can’t imagine that anyone wouldn’t enjoy Bil Lepp. His fishing stories are hilarious. He even catches airplanes with his fishing line. Bil is a natural born storyteller. He’s not like anyone else that I’ve ever heard.”

Lepp has been described as Jeff Foxworthy with the comedic patience of Bill Cosby.

Bob Wells was quoted in the Duke Divinity Magazine as saying,” With Lepp, the sorry, low-down lie becomes a grand and glorious creation, a verbal sculpture in which a hundred small fibs, stretchers and falsehoods are piled together, shaped and molded into one stunning awe-inspiring cathedral of flapdoodle and bull.”

Though a champion liar, Lepp’s hilarious, insightful stories often contain morsels of truth that shed light on politics, religion, death, relationships and human nature.

An award winning storyteller, author and recording artist, Lepp’s release, “The Teacher in the Patriotic Bathing Suit” received the “Parent’s Choice Approved” award and “Mayhem Dressed as an Eight Point Buck,” won the 2008 NAPPA Honors award.

Tickets are available for the 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. storytelling concerts at the Trojan Center Theater on the campus of Troy University. For ticket information, call 334-735-3125.