Extension office offers fitness class

Published 10:50 pm Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just when those New Year’s resolutions to lose weight have begun to unravel, help is on the way.

The Alabama Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program is offering a 10-week health and fitness class beginning Monday, Jan. 26 at the Troy Recreation Center.

“This program is designed for adults who need to lose weight and are willing to make a commitment to doing so,” said Dorothy Howard, county Extension agent assistant. “It’s always easier to lose weight if you partner with someone. This program is a chance to partner with others to lose those pounds you want to shed.”

Each class will begin with a short program based on the basic guidelines for eating a healthy diet and being physically active.

“The program will focus on fruits, eating more dark green vegetables, getting calcium-rich foods, making half of the needed whole grains and going lean with protein,” Howard said. “But becoming a healthier you isn’t just about eating healthy, it’s also about physical activity and each class will conclude with a few laps around the indoor track at the recreation center.”

There will be a one dollar charge for the use of the track for those who are not members of the Troy Recreation Center. All participants in the class will need to wear sneakers to walk the track.

“Everyone will walk at their own pace,” Howard said. “Some people will be able to walk faster and longer than others but that doesn’t matter. We’ll just all try to walk a little farther each class.”

Each participant will be given a pedometer, which is a pager-sized device that records the number of steps an individual takes based on body movement.

“When people become aware of the large number of steps that you have to take to burn the calories in a dill pickle, they will realize how hard it is to lose weight just by walking,” Howard said. “Those who participate in the health and fitness class should feel better and be more alert. Being active helps you manage your blood pressure and cholesterol and stay healthier.”

For more information or to register, call Howard at 566-0985. Participants may also register on site on Jan. 26.