Bright’s vote angers Alabama GOP
Published 7:21 pm Tuesday, January 6, 2009
U.S. Rep. Bobby Bright wasted no time angering thousands of Republicans and conservatives in Alabama.
On his first day in the U.S. House of Representatives, the newly elected Democratic congressman from Alabama cast his vote in support of Nancy Pelosi retaining her position as Speaker of the House.
Bright, who campaigned on the Democratic ticket but repeatedly promised to be an independent thinker if elected, was quickly lambasted by the Rep. Mike Hubbard (R-Auburn), chairman of the Alabama Republican Party.
“Bright and (Parker Griffith) had a chance to show the people of Alabama that they have what it takes to stand on their own … It is unfortunate that on their first day and their very first vote, Bright and Griffith prove that they care more about being accepted in Washington than they do about the hadworking families of Alabama, who do not share Nancy Pelosi’s liberal pro-tax, pro-gay marriage, anti-gun, anti-military views.”
Hubbard is right about the conservative leaning of most Alabamians. And, we suspect Bright knows well how his constituents feel about Pelosi’s role as Speaker.
Now, however, Bright has much more to prove to the voters back here in Alabama. With critical votes ahead, particularly as relates to President-Elect Obama’s proposed economic stimulus bill, Bright has an important opportunity to help shape the future of not only Alabama, but our nation, both short- and long-term.
We hope he’ll use that responsibility wisely.