Vintage donations made to Red Cross

Published 10:02 pm Monday, December 8, 2008

The vintage American Red Cross poster on the wall of the American Red Cross building in Troy was the beginning of a collection of memorabilia that will trace the proud history of the organization.

The recent donation of a “vintage” Red Cross uniform and lab coat will enhance the display and make visitors to the office more aware of the long and storied history of the American Red Cross organization that has been serving humanity since 1881.

“We are especially proud of the Red Cross uniform and lab coat because they were worn by Fran Hood, one of the most dedicated and loyal Red Cross volunteers ever here in Pike County,” said Jane Thrash, senior community development specialist with the South Central Alabama Area Branch of the American Red Cross. “The items were donated by Andy Hood and we are very appreciative of them. Fran worked for many years with the Red Cross blood drives and was instrumental in getting donors to the sites. She made people aware of the need to donate blood and the many lives that were saved because people give.”

The local branch of the American Red Cross will hold a blood drive from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 17, at Troy-Pike Regional Center for Technology in Troy.

“We encourage everyone to ‘give’ on Dec. 17,” Thrash said. “There is always a need for blood, especially during the holidays when there is so much traffic on the roads.”

Blood supplies are depleted during times of natural disasters and it takes time to build the supplies back to the needed levels.

“During this time of giving, there is nothing that you can give that is more important or more needed than blood,” Thrash said.