Pike County gathers to honor veterans

Published 10:00 pm Monday, November 10, 2008

The major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918 with the German signing of the Armistice.

Each year, at the same hour on the same day of the same month, Americans pause to honor the country’s military veterans.

In Pike County, the Veterans Day program is held annually at Bicentennial Park in Troy. Everyone is invited and encouraged to come.

For many Pike Countians, Veterans Day, Nov. 11, is a very special day and one that should be recognized with honor and dignity, said Elaine McLeod, commander of American Legion Post 70 in Troy, sponsor of the Veterans Day program.

“Veterans Day is a time when we should pause to recognize our veterans, past and present,” McLeod said. “We want to honor all veterans and we want them to know how much we appreciate their sacrifices. They need to know how much we appreciate and celebrate our freedoms. Veterans Day is a special day in our country and we hope that everyone will join us in letting our veterans know that we support them as they defend freedom around the world.”

The featured speaker for the 2008 Veterans Day program will be Col. Lee Pittman, United State Air Force.

Special music will be presented by David “Doc” Kirby. The placing of the Memorial Wreath will be by members of American Legion Post 70 and the Post Auxiliary.

Michael O’Hara and Kirby will close the program with “echo” Taps.

Prior to the Veterans Day program, the name of Vernon Hubert Locklar will be added to the Bicentennial Park Memorial Wall. Locklar was killed in Korea in September 1950. Following the program, the name of World War II and Korea veteran Raymon Austin will be added to the Memorial Wall.

The annual Veterans Day breakfast will be held at the Lillian D. Green Nutrition Center on Elm Street at 8 a.m.

Col. Lee Pittman will be the featured speaker and special music will be presented by the Barbershop Chorus and Shelia Jackson. All veterans are invited.