Local leaders proclaim Farm-City week

Published 10:00 pm Monday, November 3, 2008

The mayors of Brundidge and Goshen signed a proclamation Monday designating the week of November 21-27 Farm-City Week in Pike County.

Brundidge Mayor Jimmy Ramage and Goshen Mayor Jack Waller signed the proclamation on behalf of all the governing bodies of Pike County.

“As representatives of Pike County, we call upon our citizens in rural and urban areas alike to join in recognizing the accomplishments of our productive farmers and our urban residents, who cooperate to create abundance, wealth and strength of our nation,” the mayors said.

Farm-City Week is sponsored annually by the Pike County Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber’s Agriculture and Farm City committees. Farm-City Week was initiated by the Kiwanis Clubs of America in 1955 and continues to be a national project.

“For the past 54 years during the month of November, the American people have observed National Farm-City Week to express gratitude for the bounty which God has blessed our land,” said Jenniffer Barner, Chamber president. “Farm-City Week also recognizes the achievements of the farmers and rural and city residents who make our nation’s agricultural production and system so successful. This cooperation between rural and city dwellers for mutual benefits helps ensure our country’s well being.”

A highlight of Farm-City Week is the annual Farm-City Banquet, which brings the rural and urban areas together for a night of fellowship and recognition.

The 2008 Farm-City Banquet will be at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 13 at Cattleman Park. A traditional Thanksgiving meal will be catered by The Pig Café in Troy. Tickets are $12 each and may be purchased at the Pike County Chamber of Commerce, Pike County Extension, Farm Service Administration and Alabama Forestry Commission offices, Wayne Farms, Troy Bank & Trust, South Alabama Electric, Piggly Wiggly and from members of the Chamber committees.

Jeff Knotts, chair of awards committee, said nominations have been made for the awards that will be presented at the banquet.

“An awards committee reviews the nominations and makes the selections,” Knotts said. “We will recognize those who have made outstanding contributions to agriculture in the areas of beef, poultry, timber, row crops, conservation, specialty crops and service to agriculture. The male and female youths of the year will be recognized along with the winners of the Farm-City Week poster and essay contests open to students in all schools in Pike County.”

Max Davis, chair of the Century and Heritage Farm committee, said only one application was made for this year’s category that recognizes working farms that have been under a family’s ownership for 100 years or more.

“We always take great pride in recognizing these farms that have been a part of our community for a century or more,” Davis said.

American agriculture and the many services that depend upon it is a story of extraordinary labor creating extraordinary abundance, Barner said.

“At this time of year, it is only fitting that all Americans offer some specialty sign of thanks to those who grow, harvest and bring to our nation’s tables the fruits of the sun, seed and soil,” she said. “Farm-City Week and our annual banquet are ways that we, in Pike County, said thank you to our agricultural community for all they do for us and for our country.”