The Messenger’s looking for Kids in Costume

Published 6:30 pm Monday, October 27, 2008

I had dinner with Hannah Montana on Saturday night. We sat next to a pirate and a hobo. A witch circled the crowd on an orange broom with black stripes circling the handle. She had long, blond hair that she stole right off of Hannah’s head. A three-foot spider lurked in the corner while his web wandered around on two feet. A fall-colored fairy fluttered around in purple heals with a magical, pumpkin wand in her hand. It was a wild treat to say the least!

I know, it sounds like a dream, but believe it or not, I was actually awake the whole time. We were celebrating my sister-in-law’s birthday with a Halloween party and found ourselves in the company of some amusing characters. With a group like that, there’s no doubt that it was a fun time for all!

Now, with the Halloween season officially kicked off, we all look forward to this week and know that we’ll be treated to a variety of entertaining sights. Our schedules are full of plans for fall festivals, Halloween parties and then it’s time to trick-or-treat! Young and old will bring out the face paint and creative costumes, carve the pumpkins, fill the buckets and baskets with every type of candy imaginable and feel the fun that fills the air.

We’re in the spirit here at The Messenger too! We’re gearing up for our annual Kids in Costume section. It’s our chance to open our doors and invite all of Pike County’s Trick-or-Treaters in for a visit to the candy basket and a photo session with one of our staff photographers. Just like always, we’re excited about the chance to greet the youth of Pike County. The hay bales will be stacked, the pumpkins will be ready and the candy basket will be mounded to the top in preparation for our special guests.

There’s no doubt that we’ll see some celebrities. Whether you’re Spiderman, Mickey Mouse or Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, we’re looking forward to a visit from you! All of the photos will be published in a special section that will run in The Messenger on Sunday, November 9th. Parents will also have the chance to purchase a print of their little cuties all dressed up in the Halloween gear.

So, ghost or goblin, fairy or witch, take a minute and stop by The Messenger’s office on Friday night anytime from 4 until 6pm. We promise only treats will be found here!

Wendy Ward can be reached at 670-6301 or via email at