Pike County veterans lose a loyal friend

Published 10:00 pm Monday, October 27, 2008

Pike County veterans have lost one of their dearest friends and the county has lost one of its most dedicated servants.

The death of Dorothy Jinright on Oct. 26, 2008, brought great sadness to all of those she has served with unfailing commitment over the years.

Jinright was a member of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 70 in Troy and was totally dedicated to anything that would benefit veterans, said Jean Gibson, friend and fellow auxiliary member.

“Dorothy’s husband, L.A. Jinright, was career Army,” Gibson said. “He served in Korea and Vietnam. Dorothy was a nurse and she worked in military hospitals wherever he served. She had a strong commitment to the military and worked untiringly in support of the men and women who serve our country.”

Faye Pittman, American Legion Auxiliary Unit 70 president, said Jinright’s dedication to the veterans was exemplified through her service to the Auxiliary.

“Dorothy was a member of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 70 for 26 years and she put her whole heart into every project that we have,” Pittman said. “She worked to collect items for our unit to send to the men and women from Pike County who were serving in Iraq. There was not a project that she didn’t dedicate herself to. But her favorite project was our Christmas service project at Tuskegee Veterans Hospital.”

Each year, the Post Auxiliary makes gift baskets for the veterans at the hospital in Tuskegee. The baskets contain a variety of times and each basket is topped off with a cap.

“Dorothy loved delivering the baskets because she got to visit with the veterans and thank them for their service,” Pittman said.

“She also enjoyed fixing gift baskets for veterans in local nursing homes and under hospice care. Next to her family, Dorothy loved the veterans. She was a great friend and what I admired about her most was her dedication to the veterans who fought for our country.”

Not only was Jinright a friend to all veterans, she served her community through other volunteer service.

“Dorothy was a volunteer at the Troy hospital and was a dedicated ‘pink lady,’” Gibson said. “She wanted to do anything that she could to help others and that was one more way that she could help.”

Troy Mayor Jimmy Lunsford said Jinright was a true patriot and a dedicated community servant.

“Dorothy has been at every event that we have had at Bicentennial Park,” he said. “She was always the one to place the memorial wreath at our patriotic services. She was as dedicated to country and to those who served as anyone I have ever known. She will be greatly missed.”

Randy Ross, Pike County veterans affairs officer, said he has never known anyone who was a greater advocate for veterans than Dorothy Jinright.

“She was always on the front lines, so to speak, regarding anything that had to with promoting veterans or honoring those who have gone on,” Ross said. “Every time I think about the American Legion or the Auxiliary, it’s Dorothy’s picture that pops into my mind. She was the face of the American Legion. I’m deeply saddened at her death and I know that so many others feel the same. Veterans have lost a best friend.”